3. What does Medicare Part B cover? Posted on September 11, 2017 at 12:07 pm.Written by advantage_admin There are two types of services covered by Part B: 1. Medically necessary services: Services or supplies that are necessary to diagnose or treat a health problem within the accepted standards of medical practice. 2. Preventive care services: Services that help prevent or minimize complications to an existing health problem, or to detect such health problems early in order to obtain the best results through treatment (for example: Papanicolaou tests, vaccines, or colorectal cancer screenings). Services covered by Part B: Abdominal aortic aneurysm screening There are two types of services covered by Part B: 1. Medically necessary services: Services or supplies that are necessary to diagnose or treat a health problem within the accepted standards of medical practice. 2. Preventive care services: Services that help prevent or minimize complications to an existing health problem, or to detect such health problems early in order to obtain the best results through treatment (for example: Papanicolaou tests, vaccines, or colorectal cancer screenings). Services covered by Part B: Abdominal aortic aneurysm screening Ambulance service Outpatient Surgery Center fees (outpatient surgery?) Bone density test (bone densitometry) Cardiovascular screening Chiropractic services (limited) Laboratory services Clinical research studies Colorectal cancer screening Defibrillator (automatic implant) Diabetes screening Diabetes self-management training Diabetes supplies Certain health care services Durable medical equipment (such as walkers, for example) EKG screening Emergency room services Diabetic eye exams Eyewear (after cataract surgery) Services at federally qualified health centers Influenza vaccines Foot examinations and treatments Glaucoma screening Hearing and equilibrium tests Hepatitis B vaccines- Ambulance service Outpatient Surgery Center fees (outpatient surgery?) Bone density test (bone densitometry) Cardiovascular screening Laboratory services Clinical research studies Colorectal cancer screening Defibrillator (automatic implant) Diabetes screening Diabetes self-management training Diabetes supplies Certain health care services Durable medical equipment (such as walkers, for example) EKG screening Emergency room services Diabetic eye exams Eyewear (after cataract surgery) Services at federally qualified health centers Influenza vaccines Foot examinations and treatments Glaucoma screening Hearing and equilibrium tests Hepatitis B vaccines Post navigation 2. How do I enroll in Medicare Part B?1. What is Medicare Part C?