Triple-S Advantage has a Protocol for the Prevention and Detection of Financial Exploitation of Senior Citizens and Adults with Disabilities. According with this Protocol, Triple-S Advantage employees who have knowledge of any situation that may lead to the suspicion of this type of exploitation must notify the Compliance Department at Triple-S Advantage. If you are victim of financial exploitation and this event is related to your health plan, you can notify the Compliance Department at Triple-S Advantage by filling out the referral form by regular mail or fax. Download the Referral From below to file your report. Download PDF Document Complete and send the form to: Triple-S Advantage, Inc. Compliance Department PO BOX 11320 San Juan, PR 00922 Email: moc.r1739307840psss@1739307840ecnai1739307840lpmoc1739307840ast1739307840 Secure Fax: 787-993-3260 The Triple-S Advantage Compliance Department will refer potential cases of financial exploitation to the relevant governmental agency within no more than five (5) business days after the date of identification.