Having information is key to making good health decisions. This is why knowing about everything about your health is vital for you. That is what the Interoperability Rule is all about, so that you and your care team can have all the data about your health they need.

What is the Interoperability Rule?

The Interoperability Rule is a federal regulation that aims to make it simpler for you to get all your health information and share it with whoever you want in an electronic format to support you in your health-related process. We will share with you all your health data that we have in our systems since January 1, 2016, until now. At that moment, all health plan, hospital and drugstore systems, and other providers that save your information will be able to communicate with each other.

What is the purpose of the Interoperability Rule?

The purpose of the Interoperability Rule is that you have access to your protected health information through an application of your choice to help you make informed decisions about your health care and treatment. You will be able to see the information through an app of your choice. You will also be able to allow access to those who you feel can help you with your health-related matters Below we explain important facts that you should know about when accessing your information through an application.

What will you be able to see?

You will have access to data about your medical visits, claims submitted by your providers, service requested, diagnoses, lab test results and private information about your health conditions such as HIV, treatments for drug use and mental health conditions. There may be a lot of information that you do not understand. You can clear up any doubts with the help of your family doctor. It is also important that your doctors have access, so they know all the treatments you are getting or have received before. As a result, they can better arrange the care you need.

How do you access your information?

As the owner of your data, you will be able to choose which app you want to use. Look in your phone or tablet's app store. These apps are known as APIs (Application Programming Interface) and there are many choices.

To give an app access to your information, it is important that you create an account in Mi Triple-S. Once you choose the one you want to use, when the app tells you, enter your Mi Triple-S username and password.

Keep your data safe

It is important to be careful when you give access to your health information. Before giving your consent to access your information, carefully review the application's privacy and security practices. Use apps from reputable and well-known companies. Do not share passwords with strangers. Protect the privacy of your health conditions and treatments. This information is valuable, so keep it safe with the same care as you would protect your bank account information or your credit and debit cards.

Choosing an app is voluntary. You should check the risk involved in sharing data before giving access to your information. These apps are not necessarily covered by HIPAA, so carefully look over the privacy policy of the one you are thinking of using. Be sure to read these details:

  • If the app can sell your information.
  • How will the app use your information and for what? What is their policy regarding sharing your data?
  • What limits can you put on the use, sharing, and sale of your information.
    Aside from health information, what other kind of data it collects and access that you are allowing.
    For example, geographic location, access to your camera, contacts, activity, among others.
  • Aside from health information, what other kind of data it collects and access that you are allowing.
    For example, geographic location, access to your camera, contacts, activity, among others.
  • How easy is revoke access and to end the use of the app? and what is their policy for deleting your data?
  • What security measures does it have to protect the privacy of your information?.
  • If there are mistakes in the information, what is the process to fix them?
  • Review and make sure that the application has guarantees about how they will protect your information, that is, if it has safeguards to protect your protected health information against risks such as loss, access, use, disclosure, alteration, destruction, disposition or unauthorized disclosure

Be sure to evaluate all these elements before allowing access to your protected health information. Visit the following link for more tips and considerations before accessing your information through an app: https://consumer.ftc.gov/articles/how-websites-and-apps-collect-and-use-your-information

Which entities are covered by HIPAA?

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 applies to entities such as health plans, clearinghouse organizations, health care providers and business associates that provide services to us assisting in the management and coordination of your health care services.

Applications are not necessarily covered by HIPAA, so your role is an important one in protecting your information.

What to do if you believe an application used, disclosed or sold your information inappropriately?
If you think an app has wrongly used, revealed, or sold your information, you can file a complaint to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) by calling at 1-877-382-4357 or visiting: https://reportfraud.ftc.gov/

You can also send your complaint to the OCR, the Office of Civil Rights, at: https://ocrportal.hhs.gov/ocr/smartscreen/main.jsf. If you understand there is a mistake in the data the app is showing, please contact our call center at the numbers below.

My Triple-S and your health information

Remember that through the Mi Triple-S portal you have access to a summary of your clinical profile in an easy and organized way. Even though Mi Triple-S is not an API, it gives you the information you need to make better health decisions. You control who will get access to your health information. You can give access to loved ones who support you in your health care. Your doctors can also have access to review it. Mi Triple-S also complies with the HIPAA privacy regulations.

At Triple-S our mission is to facilitate long and healthy lives. Our goal is to help you make good health choices and enjoy the lifestyle you choose. That is why we are committed to giving you with access to your health information. Always following industry, local, and federal best practices and regulations, and above all, protecting your privacy.

Developer: Connect your app to our systems and access our developer portal.

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the Interoperability Rule:

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