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TTD Users
Monday through Sunday, from 8:00 a.m. to 8.00 p.m.
Keep it with you at all times
To go shopping and pay at participating stores and businesses.
Valid for 3 years
For your convenience your new card for 2025 will be valid for the next year*.
*While you have a coverage with the benefit.
It accrues!
You accrue the money you don't use, month after month!
*Applies only to individual coverages
Participating businesses and providers
Take it with you ALWAYS!
Activate your new ComboCard
Check your balance
Hear you last transactions with the card
Is the ComboCard also my health plan card?
No. You will only use your ComboCard to access the funds benefit for purchases and payments according to your coverage. You will receive a separate health plan card to access all the health and OTC benefits under your coverage.
Where can I use the ComboCard?
You can find an updated list of participating merchants on our website.
Which coverage plans offer the ComboCard benefit?
The following coverage plans include the ComboCard: Platino Advance, Platino Enlace, Platino Alcance, and Platino Plus.
What cleaning products can I purchase?
Everyday items such as detergents for cleaning surfaces, laundry detergents, dishwashing detergents, paper towels, sponges, brooms, mops, disposable water filters, among others.
When is my benefit deposited?
This benefit is deposited at the beginning of each month and what you do not use accumulates from month to month. If you are a member of any coverage plan paid by your former employer, contact the plan for applicable information.
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Monday thru Sunday, from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Monday thru Friday, from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Dedicated TeleConsulta for TTY/TDD Callers: 711 | 1-855-209-2639
By clicking this link, you are leaving the website of Triple-S Advantage. If you need further assistance you may contact the Member Service Center of Triple-S Advantage at 1-888-620-1919. (TTY users should call 1-866-620-2520.) Hours are Monday through Sunday from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m..
Triple-S Advantage has a strong commitment to protecting the confidentiality of our members’ sensitive information. We take information privacy very seriously and it is important to us that our members are made fully aware of a potential privacy issue. We have learned that personal information of some of our members, including their name, health plan identification number, date of service in which treatment was provided, and treatment codes describing the service provided was mailed to the wrong address. The Social Security Numbers and date of birth of our members were NOT disclosed as a result of this incident.
On December 5, 2017, Triple-S Advantage discovered that notices sent in November 2017 to health care providers involved in the treatment of our members were mailed to the wrong address. However, we have not received any indication that the information has been accessed or used by an unauthorized individual.
Triple-S Advantage has performed an extensive investigation into why and how their personal information was disclosed. We have taken immediate steps to ensure additional notices to our members and your health care providers are sent to the correct address, such as: correction of the mailing process, completion of testings and sending the letters to the correct address of your provider. The members who may have been affected by this incident will receive first-class mail notices.
We have reported the incident to the required government agency, the Health Insurance administration of Puerto Rico (ASES) and will comply with the evaluation as required by the Office of Civil Rights within the time period established.
We are making an announcement about this incident so that affected Triple-S Advantage members can consider taking action to reduce the chances that their personal information will be misused:
If you or a family member belong to Triple-S Advantage and want additional information about the incident, you may contact our Customer Service Department from Monday through Sunday from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. at our toll-free number 1-888-620-1919, TTY users should call 1-866-620-2520 or by e-mail at: moc.e1743225591gatna1743225591vdass1743225591s@ecn1743225591ailpm1743225591ocaap1743225591ih1743225591.
You may also visit our Internet website for further information.
If you are a Medicare Platino member, you can also contact the Health Insurance Administration of Puerto Rico (ASES) at or Customer and Providers Services Offices (PROBENE) at 1-800-981-2737/1-800-981-ASES from Monday through Friday 8:00 am to 4:30 pm, a Customer Services Representative will assist you. TTY users should call (787) 474- 3389. You can also contact us by email at gro.r1743225591psesa1743225591@dadi1743225591cavir1743225591pedla1743225591icifo1743225591.
Triple-S Advantage sincerely apologize and regret this situation. The privacy and security of our member’s information is very important. We are working hard to strengthen our processes for the benefit and protection of our members.
Please Note: Triple-S Advantage will NOT call or email anyone requesting any personal information as a result of this incident. If you receive an unsolicited call or email that appears to be from Triple-S Advantage, your local hospital or physician office, please do not provide any personal information in response to these calls or emails.
Triple-S Advantage, Inc. complies with applicable Federal civil rights laws and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, or sex. Triple-S Advantage, Inc. cumple con las leyes federales aplicables de derechos civiles y no discrimina por razón de raza, color, origen de nacionalidad, edad, discapacidad, o sexo. Triple-S Advantage Inc. 遵守適用的聯邦民權法律規定,不因種族、膚色、民族血統、年 齡、殘障或性別而歧視任何人ATTENTION: If you speak English, language assistance services, free of charge, are available to you. Call: 1-888-620-1919 (TTY: 1-866-620- 2520). ATENCIÓN: Si usted habla español, servicios de asistencia lingüística están disponibles libre de cargo para usted. Llame al: 1-888-620-1919 (TTY: 1-866-620-2520). 注意:如果您使用繁體中文,您可以免費獲得語言援助服務。請致電 1-888-620-1919 (TTY: 1-866-620-2520)。
your printed directory of suppliers
Keep at hand the contact information of Triple-S Advantage providers. Fill out the form below to request a printed version of the document.
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